BC: Taxation by Stealth

Author: Jordan Bateman 2015/01/06

The following blog post was submitted by CTF supporter Wally Forder, and touches on an important tax increase that will affect virtually everyone this year.

In all the discussions of price and fee increases that hit taxpayers in 2014 and coming our way in 2015, there is one big one that is not getting any mention.

That one is the reduction in the BC basic personal and spousal exemption amounts for taxation years after 2012. The BC Government can claim they did not increase tax rates, but by cutting these exemptions, taxpayers will pay more taxes now and in the future.

The Federal Government has continued to increase their personal exemptions at a nominal rate of around 2% per year, while the BC Government has decreased them by up to 15%

If the BC Government had followed the lead of the Federal Government rates, and, we compare that to what they actually did, we can see the resulting tax increases.

Comparison of Federal and BC Government Tax Exemptions

Federal Government (CRA) Exemptions

2015 2014 2013 2012
Basic Personal 11,327 11,138 11,038 10,822
Spouse Amount 11,327 11,138 11,038 10,822
% increase f/ 2012 4.67% 2.92% 2%

BC Provincial Exemptions

2015 2014 2013 2012
Basic Personal 9,938 9,869 10,276 11,354
% Decrease 13% 15% 9%
Spouse Amount 8,509 8,450 8,860 9,964
% Decrease 14.6% 15% 11%

BC Government had they followed Federal Increases

2015 2014 2013 2012
Basic Personal 11,883 11,685 11,581 11,354
Spouse Amount 10,429 10,255 10,163 9,964

Additional Income being taxed in BC

2015 2014 2013 2012
3,865 3,621 2,608

Additional Taxes being paid in BC

BC Tax Rates 2015 2014 2013
5.06 196 183 132
7.7 298 279 201
10.5 406 380 274
12.29 475 445 321
14.7 568 532 383
16.8 649 608 438

A Note for our Readers:

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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